2013 Nocino is here!

2013 Nocino is here!

We’ve bottled the first 10 cases (there are probably a few more to go) of the Nocino.  It is more green this year, befitting the green walnuts harvested on SE Ogden & Woodstock Streets in July around the time of the Waterfront Blues Festival.  Likely we were listening to some of the sounds of Scott Pemberton or Duffy Bishop on KBOO as we cut up the aromatic walnuts and started soaking them in the rye spirits.

They’ve been in alcohol for four and a half months, with spices (vanilla, cloves, cinnamon, and nutmeg) and recently blended with pinot noir brandy and organic cane syrup.  It’s a very holiday blend.

In Italy, the walnuts are traditionally collected on the Feast Day of St. John, June 24th.  We think we have longitudinal latitude and that early July in Oregon is just fine.

We have also collected several nocino cocktail recipes that use the slightly bitter 60 proof liqueur with good result.  Total 2013 bottling- 175 bottles