Christmas Whiskey Update

Christmas Whiskey Update

We’ve had a few customers in asking for Rye whiskey- it was on someone’s special list as a desired gift.  Our last Barrel of Rye sold out in November, and we won’t be releasing another until Spring of 2018.  But wait…. here are a few options:

  • I checked the OLCC inventory and there are a few area stores that had some Straight Rye left.  I think its our Barrel 28, a ‘chocolate’ rye, so named because of the chocolate malt in the mash bill.
    • Barbur had six 750 ml bottles
    • Portland Center had one 750 ml bottles
    • Hillsboro TV Hwy had two 750 ml bottles
    • Portland Hillsdale had two 375 ml bottles
    • Oregon City had two 375 ml bottles
  • We have a few 100 ml Barrel 28 little nips for sale at the Tasting room.
  • There are also a few Straight Oat 750 ml bottles listed:
    • Portland King lists four (4) in stock
    • Talent lists one in stock
Because the data came from the OLCC website which may not be totally current, please call ahead to the liquor store to make sure the desired bottle is still available.
And of course, at the tasting room we have an ample supply of the Barrel 31 Straight Spelt whiskey, bottled at 100 proof. 307 bottles made and none released to the liquor stores.
If you love our single-barrel whiskies and want to stay current with our releases, you might consider joining our Whiskey Club in 2018-  you’ll receive opportunities for special release events, and never miss out on our unique small batch whiskies. More Info at Stone Barn Whisky Club.